In School & After School Yoga Classes

Bring the joy of yoga to your school! Trust Yoga LLC is a great way for students to learn how to reduce stress, as well as improve concentration, mood, balance, and flexibility.


  • Can be scheduled either before, during or after school

  • Classes are arranged at your school

  • Yoga Mats will be provided

As an education professional who is interested in school-based yoga, I have already witnessed the benefits of yoga for students. Still, a question remains. How and why is yoga beneficial for children and adolescents, and specifically, in the school setting? Research on yoga in schools has grown exponentially over the past 5 - 10 years, and while the results are still preliminary, scientists are beginning to understand why yoga serves as such a valuable component of school curricula nationwide.

Research suggests that school-based yoga cultivates competencies in mind-body awareness, self-regulation, and physical fitness. And classroom teachers benefit as well. Taken together, these competencies may lead to improvements in students’ behavior, mental state, health, and performance, as well as teacher resilience, effectiveness and overall classroom climate.

To learn more about the implementation of a yoga curriculum


To bring the benefits of yoga to your school, please contact Ashlee, thank you.